The Cost of Success - 50 Cent's CRAZY STORY

50 Cent's rise to the top was due to his 2003 album "Get Rich or Die Tryin'". Before that, his life was filled with illegal activities and bad influence. When he was only 8, his mother, who was also a drug dealer, was killed in a drug war. At the age of 12, 50 started dealing crack. Yes, 12... Imagine what you were doing when you were 12... But, those illegal activities were also paying off. Well, financially at least. 50 was making around 150 000$ at the age of 19 PER WEEK. Yeah, seems alright, but it is never smart to do something against the law because it won't last forever and eventually, someone is going to do something about it. This is where this crazy story begins. Long story short, he was shot 9 TIMES. 9 bullets entered his body, including one in his face. "In May of 2000, 50 Cent's street life caught up with him. While sitting in a friend's car in front of his grandmother's house, another car pulled up, and the driver fired ro...