
Prikazuju se postovi od travanj, 2017

You can make money with anything... (Affiliate Marketing)

Luckily, we've come to a time where there is no specific niche that is more profitable than the other ones. You can simply write blogs or make videos about anything you'd like. If you like Asus smartphones, chances are, there are a couple of hundred thousands people that also love that - and you can easily make money with your biggest pasion, while also helping businesses, companies or other people like yourself. Well, not really "easily", but hey, it takes a lot of time and work, just like everything... AFFILIATE MARKETING is a very convenient way of making money and pretty much everyone with an internet connection and an idea can do it. You get paid for showing ads of other products/businesses on your blog/website, and in most cases, you don't have any investments, which means, the only thing you can lose is your time and energy. So, what does it take to be a successful marketer, making an extra income off of your blog? First of all, you need to have a l...

Is it really easier to succeed today than it was before?

Lately, I've been really stunned how far the internet and content sharing has come. Literally every new day you can see a handful of new videos become viral, then all the famous Facebook pages share it and it becomes a meme and everyone knows about it. However, I've also noticed how fast that fame vanishes and how trivial that "fame" really is. Is it really easier to be a musician now with platforms like Soundcloud, YouTube and Spotifiy, where you can upload your work completely for free and have all the people in the world see your work? Was it really a lot harder bach then, when Led Zeppelin and The Doors were trying to make it happen? Not really. And here is why. That "freedom" in this open wold of social media is exactly why it is becoming harder and harder to succeed. It tricks you into thinking that your goal is right aroun the corner, but it is really not. The main point is, on social media, your competition is ENDLESS. Everyone uploads their ...